Mind Matters V: Power sold out a 500-seat venue in a record-breaking 12 hours! Thank you so much for your enthusiasm.
Mind Matters V: Power was an inter-disciplinary conference held on Sunday, March 15, 2015. Power dynamics are inherent in every relationship, both between us in society and within us as complex beings. Yet the potential of power to impose control for selfish purposes can render it dangerous. What light can science and the disciplines of inner work shed on this essential component of human experience? What can we learn about the shape-shifting nature of power? How can it create both communities of belonging and hierarchies of oppression? Moving into the future of our shared planet, what understanding of the role of power, if any, do we need to overcome our history of tyranny?
Our speakers were:
- John Vervaeke
- Dan Dolderman
- Jordan Peterson
- Robert Romanyshyn (Keynote)
- Stephen Batchelor (Keynote)
Mind Matters V: Power was filmed. We will be sending out the videos exclusively to our email list a few times a year. Be sure to sign up now to receive them. You can also receive all the videos for MM5 at once with a $25 contribution to our next conference.
Special Thanks to:
- Buddhist Education Foundation for Canada
- Dean’s Student Initiative Fund
- New College Initiatives Fund
- Principal’s Innovation Fund
- Arts & Science Students’ Union (ASSU)
- Buddhism, Psychology & Mental Health (BPMH)
- The Ross & Marion Woodman Endowment for Jungian Studies.
- Our Tireless Mind Matters Volunteer Crew
- Ammar Ijaz, and his Peerless PR Corps & Tech Team
- The Jungian Society and Buddhism & Psychology Student Union Execs